15 October 2024

Read and listen - local headlines...

Volunteers of the award-winning Gairloch Sitooterie Wildlife Viewing Garden had a busy day yesterday, planting 1,000 daffodil bulbs in the grassed area of the Pier Road car park, adding to the daffodil and crocus bulbs planted in the area in the last three years which have been much admired and appreciated by locals and visitors alike. 

A total of 3,750 bulbs have now been planted by the volunteers in a major effort to improve the area which has suffered from significant neglect recently.

The theme for next year’s Belladrum Festival has been announced by Hollywood star from Inverness, Karen Gillan. In a video released last week, Karen said the theme would be Bella Goes to the Moovies. She encourages everyone to enjoy and have the best time ever as the video finishes with the sound of a cow mooing!

Two Ullapool artists are on the shortlist of 12 potential winners of this year’s Highland Art Prize announced at the Royal National Mod in Oban at the weekend. 

Catherine Sargeant of An Talla Solais for her work Inverewe - Branches Make Trees, and Jude Edgar also of An Talla Solais for her work Snow Colours, Moray Firth are on the final list from which the outright winner will be announced at a prestigious prize giving ceremony on Friday. The Royal National Mod itself continues until next Saturday 19 October.

The last scheduled cruise ship of the season berthed at Invergordon last week. 118 vessels have berthed there in 2024 bringing more than 225,000 visitors with many taking pre-arranged shore visits and an estimate of tens of millions of pounds of benefit to the Highland economy.

Consultation is currently taking place with a view to the Scottish Government introducing a levy on cruise ships which would be based on the capacity of the ship, the length of time it stays and the extent of its emissions.