19 February 2025

Local Headlines - 19 February 2025

Ullapool Bookshop has been selected as a Regional and Country Finalist for Independent Bookshop of the Year in Scotland.

Ten bookshops have been chosen in Scotland, forming part of a list of seventy two shops which will all be considered by a panel of judges, with the Regional winner announced on March 11th and the final winner for the UK to be announced at a prestigious ceremony in London in May. 

The Ullapool bookshop team works hard all year round to welcome authors, hold events, and showcase new books as well as looking after regular and local customers 7 days a week. The team is delighted to receive the nomination.

Gairloch High School is seeking to appoint a Depute Head Teacher on a full time permanent contract working 35 hours per week at a salary of £62,556 per year. 

In accordance with Highland Council’s commitment to equality of opportunity, applications will be welcomed from people of all backgrounds particularly from candidates who are likely to be under-represented in the workforce. Applications from Gaelic speakers are also encouraged. The closing date for applications is Monday 3rd March.

The summer timetable for Paddle Steamer Waverley has been published and includes sailings from Ullapool and Gairloch on Thursday 22nd May which is the 50th anniversary of the Waverely’s first sailing in preservation.

Other planned sailings include an evening cruise in Loch Carron and Loch Kishorn with views of Plockton and the Strome narrows. Full details are available on the Waverley’s website, waverleyexcursions.co.uk.

The Inverness Castle Experience has reached two key milestones marking significant progress towards the scheduled opening later this year.  

First, glazing of the new link building which will house the Saltire Bistro has been completed and installed by specialist contractors and second, the Rose Window, a historic feature, has been fully refurbished and is in place in the South Tower Story Room. 

Suspended from the ceiling within a bespoke steel frame, the intricate Rose Window has been restored to show off its original craftsmanship, creating a focal point in the room where visitors will immerse themselves in the stories of the Highlands.